Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Unveiling Your True Leadership Potential
Ever found yourself wrestling with these nagging thoughts?...
"They must have made a mistake, choosing me?"
"I feel like a fraud. Who am I to lead?"
"Why would anyone listen to me?"
"What if they discover I'm not good enough?"
"I must be wrong..."
Ah, the classic struggle of Imposter Syndrome. It's a real thing, whether you're familiar with it or not.
First identified over 40 years ago by psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes, Imposter Syndrome occurs when individuals, despite their usual confidence and success, convince themselves they're not worthy and fear being exposed as frauds, despite evidence to the contrary. It's also known as 'the imposter phenomenon'.
On our Wheel of Life, it triggers stress, fear, anxiety, and performance issues, affecting not only our career segment but also our relationships and overall well-being segments.
As Clare Josa eloquently puts it...
“It’s the gap between who you see yourself as being and who you think you need to be, to succeed and lead.”
Recent research suggests that Imposter Syndrome isn't merely about self-doubt or lack of confidence (what you think you can do). Instead, it's an identity issue (who you think you are), a fusion of your self-belief and self-worth.
Here’s 4 ways to identify if you are struggling with Imposter Syndrome;
1. People Pleasing
Are you saying yes when you really want to say no? Taking on extra projects to gain approval, despite already being stretched thin? Seeking validation to feel like you belong? If you are nodding…
Remember, people-pleasing only leads to stress and overwhelm. Watch my video on overcoming people-pleasing to remind yourself.
2. Analysis Paralysis
Are you telling others you're on top of things but secretly avoiding tasks altogether? Blaming others if you're caught out? Struggling to start because you're overwhelmed or stuck in your comfort zone?
Remember, progress comes from taking small steps and seeking help when needed. Sometimes, the best advice is to just begin.
3. Perfectionism
Are you working longer and harder, setting impossibly high standards for yourself? Micromanaging every detail and delaying tasks because they're not perfect yet? Finding success unsatisfying because you always think you could've done better?
Perfectionism breeds exhaustion and mental strain. Be kind to yourself; life's beauty lies in its imperfections.
4. Procrastination
Are you constantly busy but not truly productive? Filling your time with trivial tasks to avoid taking real action? Hiding behind a never-ending to-do list out of fear of being exposed? Are you scared of taking real action in cause you get found out? (That last one for me has always been my achilles heel!)
Remember, busyness often leads to burnout, not breakthroughs. It's time to take authentic action, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. This video might help you on how to prevent procrastination.
The long and short of it is that Imposter Syndrome can manifest in various ways, including feeling like a fraud despite external validation, attributing success to luck rather than ability, and fearing failure to the point of avoiding challenges altogether.
My personal experience of Imposter Syndrome stems from my childhood, the constant battle of not being believed because I was a girl (how could I possibly know more than my two older brothers?!).
Secondly, ‘Good Girl’ syndrome - An absolute shit show of expectations that I had to re-educate myself on.
This manifested itself in so many ways; staying silent, doubting my abilities, and hesitating to pursue my goals, despite being completely capable.
After a lot of (ongoing) work, that’s changed and I now work with many women to help them realise their potential and manage their imposter.
Three things you can do about Imposter Syndrome
Practice self-compassion:
Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, acknowledging that everyone experiences self-doubt at times. Look at it this way, you wouldn’t talk to others the way you talk to yourself sometimes, so show yourself some respect.
Challenge negative self-talk:
Replace self-defeating thoughts with affirmations and evidence of your past achievements and capabilities. Reflection is a great exercise for this!
Seek support:
Talk to trusted friends, mentors, or professionals about your feelings of inadequacy, and remember that you're not alone in experiencing Imposter Syndrome. Book a call with me here.
Who's Your Imposter?
Five Ways to Identify and Eliminate Imposter Syndrome that No One Tells You