Download the Wheel of Life.

The life wheel technique is a simple tool that helps you evaluate where you are currently and how satisfied you are in your life.

It allows you to view key areas in your life such as health, finances and relationships, prioritise them and decide which areas you need to focus on to create the shift needed.


Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows
— Tony Robbins

We all have areas in our life that demand more focus. The challenge many of us face, however, is finding balance in all of these key areas.

Wheel Of Life - Limitless Women Lead

How do I use it?

Choose or add 8 life categories from the list below;

  • Health/Wellbeing

  • Finance/Money

  • Relationships/Love

  • Environment

  • Friends & Family

  • Career

  • Fun & Adventure

  • Contribution

  • Personal Growth/Learning


Once you have decided on your segments…

  1. Score from 1-10 where you are in each category right now, and be honest.

    This will give you a helicopter view of areas you need to focus on.

  2. Choose which segments you want to work on (bearing in mind you’re not Superwoman!) and score where you want to be in the timeframe you have given yourself.

  3. Devise a plan, setting small goals to lift your score on the wheel.

  4. If you’re not sure, head to my 30 minute workshop where I take you through in detail how to get the best use out of your Wheel of Life