Overcoming Mid-Year Challenges: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself
Why Reflecting is Important
As we reach the midpoint of 2024, it's essential to pause and reflect on the progress we've made—or perhaps haven't made—in the past six months. For some of us, this reflection brings to light several pain points that may be holding us back from reaching our full potential.
Here are some that might resonate…
Career: Stagnation and Lack of Progress
Despite working your ass off, you might feel stuck in your career, you wanted a pay rise or, you feel like you need to get another job that pays more and aligns better with your values.
Relationships: Strained Family Dynamics and Lack of Connections
Your demanding schedule may have strained relationships with close family and friends. You feel guilty for letting people down, you don’t have the energy to give for meaningful connections and just want to be alone.
Wealth: Financial Insecurity and Poor Management
You may feel you haven’t made the financial progress you planned for. Lets be honest though the cost of living at the moment is making us all anxious and frustrated about our financial futures!
Health and Wellness: Neglect of Physical and Mental Health
When you ignore the physical, emotional and mental signs of reacting to busy schedules, not taking time out and basically trying to be Super Woman you’re going to burnout, metaphorically fall down and feed all your negative emotions.
Personal Growth: Stalled Development and Unmet Goals
Despite an interest in personal development, you might not have made significant strides, you wanted to sign up for that course but didn’t get around to it, you wanted to get to that networking night but couldn’t find the time. Stagnation leaves you feeling unfulfilled and self-critical.
Reflecting on the past six months is not just about acknowledging what went wrong but also understanding why it happened.
Reflection helps identify patterns, habits, and choices that have led to the current state. It’s an opportunity to learn and grow, making informed decisions as we plan for the next six months.
3 Easy Ways to Plan for the Next Six Months
You’ve heard them all before, but you can roll your eyes all you like. If you don’t schedule it, make a commitment to be consistent and disciplined and actually action it THEN IT WON’T HAPPEN!
Set Clear and Achievable Goals
Break down long-term goals into smaller, actionable steps. This makes them more manageable and increases the likelihood of success.
Prioritise Self-Care and Health
Ensure that physical and mental health are prioritised. Schedule regular exercise, healthy meals, and relaxation time to maintain the energy needed to achieve your goals.
Build and Strengthen Relationships
Make time for meaningful connections with family and friends. Strong relationships provide support and motivation, essential for personal and professional growth.
“We are unhappy when our expectations of how we think life is supposed to be going are unmet.”
3 Questions to Ask Yourself
What Have I Learned About My Priorities?
Reflect on what has taken up most of your time and energy. Are these truly your priorities? Reallocate your resources to align with what matters most to you.
What Habits and Patterns Have Held Me Back?
Identify negative habits and patterns. Replace them with positive routines that support your goals. For instance, if procrastination is an issue, implement a daily schedule with set deadlines.
Do I Have the Energy to Meet My Goals?
Assess your physical and mental energy levels. Ensure you have enough energy to meet the demands of your goals by incorporating regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate rest into your routine.
The One Thing You Need to Realise
Is the Pain of Staying the Same Greater Than the Pain of Making the Change?
If the answer is yes, then it’s time to agitate some pain in your life to create real change. Embrace the discomfort as a catalyst for growth. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and take bold steps towards your goals.