Why Life Coaching Doesn’t Work
There are many sliding door moments in our lives, where we would have done things differently, where we could have made a different choice but choose not to. We will know better for next time right? Things will be different in the future.
There are times we get frustrated and wonder what it’s all about. Some of us sit and wish we hadn't said that, did that, that tomorrow will be different and things will change, you will change!
Here’s the thing, unless you are Wonder Woman and were blessed by the Gods then I’m afraid overnight change, success and supersonic strength won’t overtake your mind, body and soul during naptime.
The halo of truth however, captures the moments when you decide you can’t do this alone, when the change you seek is out of reach and you need help to get there. When you decide that enough is enough and you are going to do something with your life, you have dreams, ambitions, you were going to be something once. You decide to reach out for help, who will you call? A Life Coach!
Then that halo of truth begins to loosen its grip as the evil forces of negativity rise up and infiltrate your inner thoughts...whispering…’It’s not going to work’.
And you know what it won’t. Life Coaching doesn’t work if;
You don’t take the first step. The step that means investing in yourself.
If you don’t think you are worth it. You don’t value yourself to aspire to live a life that YOU really want, a life on your terms.
You ask everyone else for their opinion. The naysayers who will project their insecurities onto you. This is your decision and your journey, only you can get in the driver's seat and decide on the direction you want to go.
You recognise that we’re not talking about 1 session and you're done here. That you are investing in a partnership, you are beginning a journey that’s never about the reason you came. It takes how long it takes, you will know when you get there.
You are willing to accept that this is your lot. It’s ok, you are comfortable, such is life, you wish you could change it but you can’t. I call bullshit, but you already know that.
You surround yourself with people that want to keep you down, that want to control you and fear that you will empower yourself enough to realise that you don’t need them in your life anymore.
You’re right Life Coaching will never work...will it?
““You can walk in your story and own it, or you can walk outside and forever hustle for your worth.””